lunes, 23 de diciembre de 2013

Good afternoon all, I bring you the third and final part of the story called schoolgirls, hope you enjoy the end. hug to everyone

Schoolgirls 3rd - FINAL part
    —Yes, Garcia — tells me, and this time the timbre of his voice sounds like unknown: thickness and sadico―. I'm here and you know what's best of all? That you will not arrive. Like others so many times, you will not get.
    ― Would also kill Rojas?-grito―. Don't lie to me, you accursed sack of shit... killed it!
    Invadido by attack of anger, of so great impotence for not being right there. Anyone who see me outside of the car would believe that I am mad.
    ―Jajajaja... — says Perez with tone sadico―. I set foot for the shirt, right? It did not leave me another option. I thought that it would come with you, but when I saw it only... Poor kid. Although I must admit that I had a future.
— you're a son of a bitch!-grito―. I'm going to pay for all this.
    ―Vos you got the guilt that the guy this dead - tells me and adds—. why hell left not the case with the of the prostitute? why shit had to continue stirring? You're like those hounds who say him basta and do not obey. Now put your disgusting nose, I will have to forward my calendar. Luck for next...
Communication is cut.
    ―No act as trash. Let's go... Grab the phone — yell him into the car, hitting the steering wheel, as wanting to make her understand that I am very rushed. Come on, faster faster.
    —Do central? — say—. Here the García officer, number plate 21543. This is an emergency. ¿Do you copy me, central?
    —Here central — responds the operador—. Copy, officer García.
    — Report: officer injured in Av. Garay 3220 3 ° C. repeat: wounded officer. Send ambulance, Av. Garay 3220 3 ° C. rushing. It's an emergency!
    —Copying, officer — responds the operator, with an almost abnormal calmness—. Sending ambulance to the place, time of arrival 15 minutes.
    Missing half a block to the House, brake by howling tyres. Low and I take my gun: a Colt. 32 mm, 6 shots.
I go to the window closer to the street and I see: at first glance there is nothing more than furniture. I move the eyes and I can see one of the girls sitting, bound and gagged to a Chair. Bloodied cheeks and hair. Look at the ground which, little by little, is dyed in red.
    — Apparently already were playing, Perez — whisper, seeing that the legs of the girl have cuts of various sizes and depths, some even still bleed.
    Of the other girl, or traces. Being wary that that damn could be expecting me, I kicked the door open it wide, but did not enter.
    —Perez...! Long the girls — I scream, trying to see the second floor of the House—. At any time this is filled with cops, do you understand? Give yourself and all happy. What I say?
    Hope a response, perhaps a cry or any puteada that tell me where is. But nothing, so I think I approached the girl.
As soon as I cross the door, I hear shooting. Then I warn you that the bullets bounce off very close to the frame. I answer with 3 shots, and threw me to the ground, falling near the girl. I approach a bit more and putting two fingers in your neck feel that he is alive.
    —-Well... Please, do not die.
    I joined. I take the clamp and discover that the lips of the girl are wildly tajeados. At that time, a scream at the top of the House makes me in me and, almost by inertia or automatism, I upload to strode up the stairs.
    At the top I find four rooms and again I hear moans of pain. I approach in a cautious way the third room where they came from those sounds of agony.
    —Pérez! — say, assuming that that type shit is there, waiting for me-. Perez! — again in the form of supplication, trying entering reason. For many years we worked together right? I don't want this to end as well, so. Please release the girl, Dale... Let that go.
    — So is that you want to go?—hear him say with a devilish tone, completely out of the path of sanity.
    —Yes, let it to go — I say, as I see his reflection holding a hunting knife in the neck of the girl, as I could see in his eyes was resigned to the worst. She is innocent, as it was Rojas
    — is not innocent! — shouts outrageous, the limit—.!.! None of these bitches is innocent. You the protect, say them the best thing for them and as they thank you... you leave. Desagradecidas cursed...
    In that he realizes that I am watching it. And, with a morbid smile, short neck to the girl.
    — NNNOOOOOOOO...!—I go shooting, and give him between the eyes, driving it back.!.! Falls by releasing the girl, which also falls as a puppet that cut you the threads.
    Grasp the body of the young woman. I bite the wound, although it is pointless. She looks at me trying to tell me something, his lips comes a sound that I can not understand. Meanwhile, his life fades. I cry, I curse expired.
    After a while, I dry my tears with the back of my hand, stained by the blood of the girl.
Low and release the other girl. I cover it with my jacket. And, sitting in my car, we hope officials.
    — Do I copy, officer Garcia?-hear.
    —Yes. Here, Garcia — answer almost without mood hold radio-. I copy, central.
    — We find the official Red — says the operator, had a cut in the neck up to the jugular. But when we arrived the officer had already died, sorry... — for when he stopped talking, I already not holding the device.
    At the beginning I did not understand a shit of what Perez said. Then I fell.
Some time ago, he told me that he had a teenage daughter gave to which everyone. But she did not want him for that was police. And something else: on several occasions, doing his job, Perez had arrested friends, even to her boyfriend. Linda gem, the boyfriend: sentenced him to 14 years for manslaughter and possession of drugs. After that, the relationship with the asshole went to hell. She became prostitute. At the beginning at the College, later on the streets, until led "customers" to his father's House, while he was on duty. And, to make things worse, drugs came to the life of this poor girl. Perez the interned a couple of times, but the girl managed to escape, again and again. So he decided to have it in the House. Input all went well, although discussions soon to return, as well as drugs
    The last one that the little girl was sent was that, after a fight, it locked in the bathroom to take drugs. He went and found it.
And, while the end of that is unclear, think that Perez ended up killing her overdose. We investigated, but as he is a COP and she a prostitute in rehabilitation — joined their backgrounds and their relationships, as the boyfriend—case closed as suicide. From then on the type was no longer the same: not working the hours that, not talking to anyone, I was drinking much. Terrible.
Is amazing how it changes to this work, I think. From one moment to another your life is not worth five cents.

For my part, I plan to continue one while longer on this, then I don't know. Maybe put me private detective, say that it is good, we'll see...

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